Ambulance for Koundokpoé

The parochial centre “St. Jean-Marie Vianney” in Koundokpoe, Benin, looks after 150 children and youngsters. 90 of those children were vaccinated against Hepatitis B by Benin Sante in the spring of 2016 . As the medical care for the children in general can be organized only with much effort currently, Benin Sante could finance the furniture for a small ambulance in the centre, that will take medical care for the children on a regular basis. Two Austrian nurses took care of the children during some days in April. Furthermore, they performed some vaccinations in the village of KoKoumoulou. More information: or Centre_Koundokpoe_fr (French) or Zentrum_Koundokpoe_de (German) The opening of the centre was on April 15th, 2018! Vccinations Koundokpoe – July 2018 After the opening of the ambulance in Koundokpoe in April 2018, we visited them in July 2018. The ambulance works  very well and has already made a significant contribution to the better medical care for the children and adolescents in Koundokpoe. Screenings and vaccinations against hepatitis B for another 50 children and adolescents in Koundokpoe could also be performed in July. We are pleased that the children in this center can be looked after very well now.

Laboratory device for blood tests

Thanks to the generous donation of the association ÖKB karitativ, laboratory devices for blood tests regarding hepatitis were purchased. Therefore, we can reduce the costs of examinations and thus reach a larger target group.

New handwheel

In the course of the operations and vaccinations, other special needs are determined again and again. For example, a disabled woman has been using a bicycle to move around for a long time, which due to its age had to be constantly repaired. Bénin Santé bought a new handwheel for them.

Various operations

The “Bénin Santé” association is now well known in Benin. So it happens again and again that people turn to us for help. After checking the need by our local partners, individual help is provided, for example:

  • Operation of a child’s hand where two fingers had grown together
  • two acute appendix operations
  • Removal of a plate after a complicated break
  • Eye surgery after an accident at work

Containers with medical supplies

In 2015, a container with medical supplies (including eg an operating table and operating lamp, beds etc) was sent to Bénin. As soon as finances allow, another one should follow. The costs are between € 7,000 and € 10,000.

Support for specialist training

Bénin currently has 12 trained gastroenterologists (for more than 11 million inhabitants). Bénin Santé supports a young doctor in training to become a gastroenetrologist.


The COVID 19 pandemy did not stop at the beninese borders either. In order to provide quick support in the early days of the pandemy, Bénin Santé, together with the Benin diaspora in Central Europe, provided masks, protective suits and tests. The material was distributed by the Beninese Ministry of Health