Effort against viral Hepatitis B and C The effort against viral hepatitis B and C was the main focus of Bénin Santé from 2014 – 2020. In the meantime we could achieve, together with our local partner organizations, that the Republic of Bénin
  • treats patients with viral hepatitis B and C treated as part of a national program
  • has children vaccinated against hepatitis B immediately after birth.
The project against hepatitis B will therefore be continued, but the focus will be on information and prevention, especially for risk groups such as pregnant women and medical staff. Information campaigns From 2014 – 2020, we could reach around 10,000 children, young people and pregnant women with information campaigns about the risks and prevention of hepatitis B and C. Examinations / vaccinations A total of more than 1000 people have been examined since 2015, of which more than 620 children and adolescents and 100 pregnant women have been vaccinated. Some examples: On the occasion of World Hepatitis Day 2022,
  • on 5.8.2022 a conference was organized in Cotonou together with partner organizations
  • on 6.8.2022, an information event for pregnant women was held at The New Life polyclinic in Djeregbe, during which 200 people were screened for viral hepatitis B and C infection. Subsequently, vaccinations for 50 people were financed.
Watch a report in French here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKTjPQ6zBxw   On February 13th, 2015 the project “Together against Hepatitis B” had started with a ceremonial opening. Together with our partner organization “Autre Vie” and the Les Archanges clinic, we tested and vaccinated more than 40 children in the Yètin orphanage. The infected children are cared for by the Les Archanges clinic. On July 20th, 2015 we visited the orphanage.  Contact: Appolinaire Oussou lio, tel 0022997642295 From November 2015 the following orphanages and orphans have been looked after:
  • orphanage un enfant, une vie (Kpomassè) – 40 children; Contact: Mr. Idrissou email: idrissou.b@gmail.com
  • Racham Orphanage (Cotonou) – 5 children; Contact: ongempreintes@gmail.com –
  • Orphans Davatin (Agblangandan) – 20 children; Contact: Chef du village Mr. Houngbemon Barthelemy, tel 0022997390172
70 children and adolescents were vaccinated during the 2015, 2016 and 2017 World Hepatitis Days. The others were cared for in the following centers: In 2017, 78 children in the Ko-Koumolou school and ten children in Djeffa village were examined and vaccinated. In 2016 we were able to carry out two large projects (examinations, vaccinations) in May / June:
  • 140 children and young people in the parish of St Pierre Claver de Koundokpoe – Zè: www.koundokpoe.net
  • 53 children in the center for the education and integration of deaf children Sènadé (centre d´éducation et d´intégrations des sourds (CEFISS) de Sènadé)
  Political lobbying Following World Hepatitis Day 2015 Bénin Santé has founded together with ist Partner organizations  Autre Vie, Societé béninoise des hépato-gastroenterologues, Point focal de la lutte contre les hépatites und Clinique les Archanges an alliance against Hepatitis (ABOSCHVi = Alliance Béninoise des Organisation de la Société Civile contre les Hépatites Virales). ABOSCHVi has organized the following actions for World Hepatitis Day 2016 :
  1. Information campaigns for politicians (government, parliament and local politics) and the Population in every region of Benin
  2. Screenings concerning Hepatitis C
  3. Conferences in Cotonou and other towns
Bénin Santé has futhermore sponsorized 20 checks for screenings and vaccinations. Bénin Santé has organised the following actions against hepatitis together with its partner organisations   Autre Vie, Societé béninoise des hépato-gastroénterologues, Point focal de la lutte contre les hépatites et Clinique les Archanges  for World Hepatitis Day 2015: 28.7. Conference in Cotonou – the Ministre of Health and a representant of the WHO being present 29.7.
  • March against Hepatitis B in Porto Novo
  • Presentation of a pladoyer against Hepatitis to representants of the Parliament
  • Screenings against Hepatitis B for  50 adults et 10 children
3.8. Presentation of actions against Hepatitis and the pladoyer to the cabinet of the Minstry of Health   Have a closer look: https://www.flickr.com/photos/135421954@N08/albums