Doctors for Benin 2018

In April 2018, two Czech surgeons were able to perform more than 40 operations for free or for a small fee. At the same time, gastroenterological examinations were offered for poor patients.

Doctors for Benin 2019

From February 18 to February 28, 2019, Bénin Santé realized the project “Doctors for Bénin” for the third time in the Clinique les Archanges in Agblangandan, Bénin. During this time, two Czech surgeons with the support of a Czech anesthetist performed operations for a total of 64 poor patients. Gastroenterological examinations were offered during the same period. See a report in French here:


Doctors for Benin 2020

Due to travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemy, the 2020 project was not possible. If the situation permits, the project will continue in 2021.